Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities at MIHCA

Making a Difference in Community Health

For non-profit organizations like MIHCA, volunteers are indispensable. They help extend crucial services that might otherwise be limited due to funding constraints. Their involvement allows non-profits to maintain a high level of service while managing operational costs effectively. 

This support is critical in enabling organizations like MIHCA to continue their mission without compromising the quality or breadth of healthcare services.

By volunteering, you contribute to improving individual health outcomes and strengthening the overall health infrastructure of Mayne Island. You ensure that essential health services are accessible without traveling off-island.

Volunteer with MIHCA

Getting involved with MIHCA as a volunteer is straightforward and rewarding. Whether you have a background in health care or just a desire to help, there is a place for you.

Advisory Committee

Share your expertise and guidance to help steer our health initiatives through our MIHCA Board.

Vaccination Clinics

Assist in running smooth operations at our local vaccination clinics — a vital part of public health.

MIHCA Board Member

Take a leadership role by joining our board and help shape the future of health care on Mayne Island.

Learn more about our Board of Directors >

A large mowed park surrounded by trees and a weathered wood fence

Understanding Your Impact

By volunteering your time and skills, you play a crucial role in enabling MIHCA to deliver vital health services to our community. Explore how, with your contributions, MIHCA can support the health and well-being of Mayne Island residents.

Learn more about our community impact >

Volunteer With Us

To start your volunteer journey with MIHCA, contact our volunteer coordinator directly at admin@mihcaboard.ca We welcome individuals from all backgrounds to join our efforts to make a lasting impact on our community.