Advocacy & Our Impact
Planning for the Future of Health Care on Mayne Island
Remote island communities like Mayne Island face significant challenges in delivering healthcare services. This is why we’ve partnered with colleagues on Pender, Galiano and Saturna Islands to strengthen our advocacy efforts to secure appropriate medical professional resources for the Southern Gulf Islands.
MIHCA recently conducted a community-wide survey to understand how our community's demographics and values are shifting so we can align our strategies with the community's evolving needs.
Adapting to Changing Needs
The Impact of Nationwide Healthcare Shortages
One of MIHCA's key objectives is to reduce the need for off-island travel by providing local healthcare services which are cost-effective, convenient, efficient and sustainable.
Health care delivery and access to services in BC, and across Canada, is at a critical level. One in five British Columbians have no healthcare provider. While we are actively recruiting for an additional full-time family physician and a full-time nurse practitioner, 40 percent of the community does not have on-island access to care. The island’s family physician is at capacity and cannot accept new patients at this time
Combating Healthcare Shortages on Mayne Island
The healthcare team also provides urgent and emergent care to non-registered patients and visitors to the island, when appropriate. This adds to the complexity of providing primary care services in this remote setting.
We continue to actively develop and implement programs to assist community members navigate off-island care alternatives including access to Urgent Primary Care Centres, virtual care options and other solutions on Vancouver Island and the mainland.
Advocacy Efforts
Securing Our Future with Sustainable Funding
MIHCA is a non-profit society that has been supporting and advocating for the delivery of health care on Mayne for more than 45 years.
In partnership with the healthcare team, Island Health and other Gulf Island colleagues, MIHCA is fulfilling a much-needed advocacy role within the increasingly complex system of primary health service provision and funding models.
With mentorship from the BC Association of Community Health Centres (BCACHC). MIHCA is gaining momentum towards its vision of achieving a sustainable health care model which, through access to sustainable funding will support all Mayne Island residents and visitors in the years to come.
Wellness Promotion
Improving Community Health
Our commitment to public health extends beyond healthcare services. We enhance the community's well-being through educational initiatives, first aid training, organizing on island vaccination clinics, wellness promotion, and learning opportunities.
We also equip the island with essential life-saving devices such as AEDs (Automated External Defibrillators) and help recruit primary healthcare physicians and other crucial health providers.
Your Support Is Vital
Your donations help us improve facilities, equipment, and programs that benefit the entire community.
The anticipated addition of a full-time family physician and a full-time Nurse Practitioner; and the increased involvement of a variety of allied health service providers; means additional funding for building expansion and space renovations is crucial.

Join Our Efforts at MIHCA
Your support is vital in our ongoing mission to enhance healthcare services on Mayne Island. Your donations help us improve facilities, equipment, and programs that benefit the entire community. Learn how you can support our non-profit organization through donating, volunteering, or becoming a member of MIHCA.