Clinic Location

Mayne Island Medical Clinic Location

The Mayne Island Medical Clinic, led by a primary care physician, offers essential medical services to our local community, focusing on accessible health care for our residents.

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526 Felix Jack Road (Corner of Fernhill & Felix Jack Roads)

Family Medicine Practice

Dr. Juliana Losier (she/her) MD CCFP FCFP, UBC Medical Faculty

Physician’s Office Phone 250-539-2312

Physician’s Office Fax 250-539-3215

Health Advice Link BC (24/7) 8-1-1.................. To speak with a registered nurse

Urgent problems after hours, page the Southern Gulf Islands Doctors On Call Group 1-800-866-5602

NOTE: The Health Clinic is not a walk-in clinic & operates under significant staff shortage & reduced capacity. The opening times & on-call availability are subject to change.

Home & Community Nursing/Palliative Care Team ….........……250 539-3645 or 250-629-3242

Laboratory Services (Island Health) ………………………………………250-539-2312

Public Health Nurse / Immunization……………………………………..250-539-3099

Urgent Mental Health Support Line……………………………………………..310-6789

Urgent Primary Care Centres Victoria Central Line ...............1-833-688-8722

TELUS Virtual Physician 1-855-577-8838 or

Virtual Viva Care Doctor………………………………

Mayne Island Assisted Living Programs (MIALS) 1-250-213-6191

Home Care Services Access Line………………………………………………1-888-533-2273

Community Programs Support Call/text…………………………………………………..2-1-1

Mental Health Services: in a crisis call/text………………………………………9-8-8 24/7

Urgent Mental Health Support Line…………………………………………………..310-6789

Island Health Mental Health & Substance Use: (SSI) ............……….250-538-4711

Mayne Island Clinical Counsellor: Ann Hadaway .……………………….250-588-6813

Alcoholics Anonymous 24/7……………………………………………………..1-250-383-7744

Alcohol & Drug Referral……………………………………………………………1-800-663-1441

Citizens Counselling Centre Victoria…………………………………………1-250-384-9934

Gulf Island 24/7 Crisis Line Transition House .....................………1-877-435-7544

Islanders Against Violence……………………………………………………….1-888-537-0717

Opioid Treatment Access Line………………………………………………….1-833-804-8111

KUU-US Indigenous Crisis Response Service ..........………………….1-800-588-8717


Victim services call/text…………………………………..1-800-563-0808

or email

FoundryBC Young People Support & Counselling, Free (age 12 yr – 24 yr & for caregivers)

…………………………………………………………………………………………………1-833-308-6379 or telemedicine

Here2Talk, for students 24/7……………………………………………………1-877-857-3397

Kids Help Phone 24/7………………………………………………………..text TALK to 686868

Help Line for Child/Youth (no charge)………………………………………………..310-1234

BC’s Queer, Trans & 2-Spirit Resource Centre .....….1-604-684-5307


Emergency Room Saanich Peninsula Hospital ..................………..1-250-544-7676

Walk In Clinics - MediMap

For Urgent Prescriptions contact any Pharmacy or…….1-250-800-0187

Mayne Island Courier Prescription Delivery……………………………………………………….250-539-9921

Health Connect Registry (for all BC residents to connect & register on a waitlist for a Family Physician or Nurse Practitioner)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….8-1-1

Island Health Client Relations………………………………………………….……………………..1-250-370-8323

Mayne Island Health Centre Association (MIHCA)………

Listings on this page subject to change. If you see something that may need an update please email

We acknowledge with gratitude that we live and work on SḴŦAK, known now as "Mayne Island" which is an ancestral, traditional, and unceded gathering place of many Coast Salish peoples, WSÁNEĆ, Hul'qumi'num, Stz'uminus, Quw'ustun, and scəwaθenaɁɬtəməxʷ Nations. We are honoured and privileged to be respectful stewards of the land and ocean in a place with such a meaningful history. We acknowledge the oppression and disparity in health care of Indigenous peoples with commitment to learning and working towards reconciliation upholding Indigenous health self-determination.

Young girl sitting at a sign on Mayne Street

Appointment and Patient Policy

Clinic Appointment Policy

The Mayne Island medical clinic operates strictly by appointment to ensure personalized and focused care for each patient. 

The clinic does not provide walk-in services or handle prescription requests from non-registered visitors. 

We are unable to accept new patients currently, but this policy is regularly reviewed to accommodate community needs.

Driftwood and trees on the coast line of Mayne Island

Join the Clinic Waitlist

Mayne Islanders lacking primary care can call 811 to register with the Health Connect Registry through HealthLinkBC for available Nurse Practitioners or Family Physicians who are taking on new patients.

The clinic's medical office assistants can assist you with administrative requests but cannot provide medical advice or take medical information over the phone.

Emergency and After-Hours Care

Always dial 911 in the event of an emergency.

After-Hours Services

Please call 250-539-2312 and follow the recorded instructions for after-hours medical advice.

For urgent after-hours attention and guidance, please call 800-866-5602.

Directory of Health Services

Explore our directory for more information about health services available on the island.